Wednesday 19 November 2014

A Little Pampering

Monday was a very dreary and grey day in Cork City.  The rain from Amsterdam followed us to Ireland!  However, this made it a little easier to stay in my apartment and begin thinking about the work I had to do!

I went to my two classes on Monday, Social Geography and Cultures of Cities.  When I got to Social Geography, I learned that this would be my last class...crazy!  Hard to believe that everyone at home is getting our for Thanksgiving break and I am finishing up the semester.  As a little celebration to getting through Social Geography (well almost through it, I still have a final paper), I decided to get my nails done in town.  I can absolutely admit that I am a diva when it comes to getting my nails done, it is one of my favorite things to do to relax.  I wasn't feeling 100%, so I thought it would be the perfect cure.  It definitely helped :)

Once I was done with classes for the day, I was seriously dragging.  I think the grey weather added to my exhaustion was wiping me out.  I had no plans, other than staying in and FaceTiming Anne to catch up with her.  We put this date on the calendar early last week, our schedules were so crazy!  It was awesome catching up with her, I miss her so much and cannot wait to see her in a few weeks!!

I told myself I would start work...but shocker, I didn't.  Monday was a "chill out" day before the grind of school work really got going later in the week!

Be back soon!



An ugly day on Oliver Plunkett Street

Cloudy River Lee

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