Monday 10 November 2014

Happy Early Birthday, Grace!

Wednesday was a day to start getting ready for Paris!  I cannot believe it is time for another trip!  I was getting very excited for Paris because we were celebrating Grace's 21st birthday.  It was definitely going to be an amazing weekend.

I had a very good day on Wednesday!  I had a group project in the morning, which forced me to get up early, for once! Before class, I decided I would try out a new coffee place the HC girls told me about, Cafe Depeche.  This place was so adorable and had awesome drinks.  I decided to keep going with my holiday spirit and ordered a gingerbread latte.  It was so yummy and tasked like Christmas in a cup :)  To add to my great morning, one of my classes got out an hour early!  This was nice because it gave me a lot of time to get organized for the weekend.  Later that night, I had dinner with some of the Holy Cross girls, who I had not seen in forever!  It was great to catch up with them and hear all about the traveling they have done.  Everyone is on such crazy different schedules of traveling, it has been so hard to meet up.  It was a great little reunion, however!

After dinner, Jane and I headed to Graces.  Jane would not be in Paris with us, so we thought we would have a little get together for Grace before we left.  Grace was not feeling too well, so we did a quick "happy birthday" at her house with some cake and just hanging out.  We were going to have a big celebration when everyone was back in Cork!  Even thought 21 is not a big deal in Ireland, it still deserves great celebrations!

Back to packing for Paris!  Be back soon!



Cafe Depeche

Happy early 21st, Grace! 

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