Tuesday 11 November 2014

Paris is True Perfection

Sunday AKA my last day in Paris, unfortunately.  I did not want to see this weekend end.  It was an unbelievable weekend.  But, luckily I get to return to another pretty awesome city, Cork!

We woke up on Sunday around 9:30 AM and had to pack our stuff up in the hotel room so we could checkout.  Grace and I had a late flight, but Lauren and Mikela had an early afternoon train to catch back to Cambridge.  Once we checked out, we grabbed brunch at a cafe down the road.  Brunch is not a thing at all in Ireland, so it was a great change.  I definitely miss Sunday Brunch very much!  I had eggs and french fries (I guess the French's replacement of home fries?).  It was so good, and a huge meal that held me over until dinner.

When we finished brunch, it was time to part ways.  Lauren and Mikela headed for the train station, and Grace and I headed back towards the Eiffel Tower.  We figured out how to use the metro system, which was incredibly easy (maybe we should have figured this out before the last day...oops), and walked around the Seine for a little.  There was an awesome running/walking path that was filled with people.  I felt like a local walking around there!

As we were walking around, we saw advertisements for the tours of the city along the river.  We had time to kill, so we figured it would be a great activity.  It was definitely a cool way to see the city, especially now that we have walked so much of it.  I would definitely recommend something like this to visitors.  It was a great change of pace from what I normally do when visiting countries.

After the river tour, we walked around the area a little more.  We wanted wanted to pick up some items from the street vendors!  I needed to get my Paris print to add to my collection.  I really love the one I got.  It is a very pretty painting of the Arc de Triomphe and the area around it.  Once I am done with my travels this semester, I will put up a picture of the prints I have so far!

We headed back towards the area our hotel was in to hit the great shops that we saw on Friday.  I figured I needed to buy some sort of piece of fashion on this trip, I was in one of the fashion capitals of the world.  I ended up getting a few things!  I cannot say what they are because I know my sisters read this and then it will spoil their surprises :)

Shopping worked up an appetite, so we grabbed a quick dinner at around 5:30 before we left for the airport.  Our flight was at 10:30, so we arrived about two hours early.  We got back to the airport the same way we got picked up, the private shuttle service.  This was such a good idea on Grace's part.  When we arrived to the airport I almost had the infamous Ryanair luggage troubles.  My bag was barely overweight, so I had to do some rearranging, but it all worked out!

I feel like I say this after every trip, but this was my favorite city thus far.  Paris is absolutely incredible and I WILL be back one day, no matter what.

Be back soon!



The great architecture in Paris.

View from the river tour!

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