Tuesday 18 November 2014

Reunion Time

Friday was when all of the Holy Cross kids were arriving in Amsterdam.  I was so excited to see everyone!  The last time a lot of us were together was Oktoberfest in September, and even at that, it was so crazy you barely got to talk to anyone.

On Friday morning, Jane, Nicole, and I sought out another cool cafe to start off the day.  We were planning on doing a bike tour of the city once more of the HC kids arrived, and the weather was perfect out!  Not too sunny, not too cold, and no rain.  I was really excited for the bike tour because Amsterdam is a city where a majority of the people get around on bikes.  I was ready to feel like a local!

Once our friend, Betsy, arrived from Scotland, we were off to the tour.  This was a four hour tour taking you all over the city, telling you everything you could possibly know.  We went by all of the museums, famous neighborhoods, parks, everything.  The best part was the last stop, a brewery.  This brewery was attached to the only windmill left in Amsterdam!  It was a really fun way to end the day of riding around!

After the tour, we stopped for a quick bite to eat before heading to the hostel.  We needed to get ready for our big reunion with the HC crew!  Everyone was meeting for a pizza boat cruise down the canals in Amsterdam.  When we were all together, there were about thirty of us!  The boat people did not like us very much because we were really loud, but what do you expect when we are reuniting?!  It was a really fun night, and great catching up with everyone hearing about their abroad experiences.  The group consisted of people studying in Scotland, Ireland, Spain, England, and a few other countries.

After the cruise we walked around the city for a little while finding a place we could all sit together and grab a drink.  We were all pretty tired though, so this did not last too long!

We headed back to the hostel, because we had a full day the next day.  Be back soon with more details!


Mike's Bike Tours 

Jane, me, Nicole, Betsy, ready to ride! 

A picture I took mid-biking...many of you know I have had issues with biking, so this is impressive.  Don't worry, Mom, I didn't fall off!

Me, Jane, Nicole, and Betsy at the IJ Brewery.

Touring around:

HC 2016 in Amsterdam!

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