Wednesday 12 November 2014

Christmas is Coming...

Tuesday was a gorgeous day.  I wanted to soak up all of the sun that I could!  I am hearing from my roommates and many other people that this is going to be a terrible winter in Ireland.  So, I will take every beautiful day I can get!

I have definitely been seeing a spike in my laundry with all of my traveling.  On Tuesday, I desperately needed to get my laundry done.  I was a little, okay not a little, VERY lazy and brought my clothes to the launder.  They clean and fold all of your clothes for you, which would save me lots of time.  Laundry is so expensive at my apartment, I thought I would test it out.  Since I was in town dropping off my laundry, and it would not be ready until Wednesday, I had to go buy more socks!

When I was in town I noticed that everything was covered in Christmas decorations, even more than when I was last there!  I love this, it makes me feel like Christmas is sooner than it actually is.  I am a Christmas person, so this is totally okay with me.  To keep going with the Christmas spirit, I bought another gingerbread cookie at the English Market.   I can't walk by these and not get one, they are way too good!

After my afternoon break, I went back home and went to class.  I was already halfway through my school week..weird!  Next year is going to be a huge reality check...

Be back soon!



Christmas-y Oliver Plunkett! 

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