Tuesday 11 November 2014

En Route to Paris!

Grace and I had a 6 AM flight on Friday morning, so our journey to Paris started at the crack of dawn!  I was so excited to get to Paris and begin the amazing weekend.

We landed in Paris a little before 9 AM.  The Ryanair airport is sort of in the middle of no where, like most Ryanair airports, so we have a little bit of a journey to get to the hotel.  Grace organized for a shuttle service to pick us up, which worked out very well!  We were dropped off right at the hotel so we could avoid all lost wandering around the city.  When we arrived to the hotel, Grace's friend from Wake Forest, Lauren, was already there with one of her Study Abroad friends, Mikela.

Once we dropped our bags and got a little organized, we were on a mission to find some lunch!  We were starving.  Lunch was so good!  I had a beef dish, which definitely hit the spot after a long morning of traveling.  We stopped at a cafe down the road from our hotel, which worked out very well.  The hotel was in a great location, so many awesome restaurants, shops, cafes, all surrounded us.  After we ate, we walked around the area for a while and checked out the shops.  Oh my goodness, they were AMAZING.  I could have bought something in every store I walked in, but I resisted...until Sunday.

The four of us made our way on our sightseeing and went towards to Louvre.  It took a little while to walk there, but it was a great walk.  We got a really great feel for Paris and saw some beautiful architecture.  I was starting to fall in love with Paris!  It was a beautiful day out, and perfect for walking.  When we got to the Louvre, we were all in awe of its beauty.  It was such an interesting building, and the size of the museum itself was massive.  We did not go inside, because we had so many places to see, but we spent a lot of time taking pictures and absorbing everything around us.  

We then headed towards the Champs-Élysées, but on the way, we stopped in a park for crepes and coffee.  I needed an afternoon sugar and caffeine rush, and it definitely hit the spot.  I seriously could not believe my life.  I was sitting in a park, eating a Nutella crepe, looking at the Eiffel Tower on one end, the Louvre on the other.  It was incredible.

Our walk down the Champs-Élysées took a little while because we kept stopping in all of the stores.  This was like a girl's heaven, designer shops everywhere!  We went into Louis Vuitton, and I swear you cannot get out of there unless you buy something (don't worry, Mom and Dad, I didn't).  It was like a maze!  But, I felt as if I were in a dream, it was fabulous.  We also stopped at Ladurée to buys some of the famous macaroons.  i bought a box of six, salted carmel, rose, pistachio, gingerbread, coffee, and chocolate coconut incroyable.  They were delicious! 

Our destination after the Champs-Élysées was the Arc de Triomphe.  There was no line to go to the top when we got there, which was mind-boggling!  We were having such great timing on everything, we called it, "birthday magic."  When we got to the top, the view was insane.  I do not think I have ever seen something so breathtaking in my life.  It was just as the sun was setting, so the sky looked beautiful, and there was a clear view of the Eiffel Tower.  I just could not believe it.  

To top off a great day, we went to dinner at a great restaurant near our hotel.  I had a very delicious chicken dish, and of course, lots of fresh baguettes.

Paris was so awesome on day one, I couldn't wait for the rest!

Be back soon!



Cliche, I know.

Me, Grace, Mikela, Lauren at the Louvre.

View from the top of the Arc de Triomphe.

The Arc!

My Champs-Élysées purchase--Ladurée macaroons!

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