Saturday 22 November 2014

Cheese is Life

Thursday was a quiet day for me.  It was one of the first weekends in forever that I would be in Cork, so it felt a little weird not scrambling to get ready to travel.  I was really looking forward to a quiet weekend!  I have loved traveling so much, but sometimes it is nice to just do nothing.

I took Thursday as a recuperating day.  I wrote one of my six final paper (woohoo!) on Wednesday, so I just wanted to kick back and relax!  I went to class, and then the gym with Jane, and then came home and did absolutely nothing, but watch Gossip Girl (it is majorly one of my guilty pleasures!).  The weather has been so good here, which has been a great treat.  There has not been much rain at all.  I thought Ireland was a rainy country?!  However, I am not complaining...the rain can stay away as long as it wants!  The temperatures have also been pretty high, about high forties to low fifties.  I am really liking this whole "mild winter" thing.  The East Coast is going to be a HUGE shock to me!!!

When I came home from the gym, I was really excited to make dinner.  I bought this great new goat cheese from the English Market that I was dying to try (be jealous, Carolyn, it was so great).  I decided to make a pear and goat cheese pizza.  It was soooo delicious and a perfect dinner for staying in!

Once I finished dinner, I figured I would give the kitchen/common room area a good clean.  It was just me in the apartment for the weekend, so I cleared everything out and did a major scrub down.  When I am stressed I tend to clean, so clearly finals are coming.....

To me, this was a perfect night!

Be back soon!



My new goat cheese!

Such a great dinner.

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