Wednesday 26 November 2014

One Class Down!

Tuesday was test time!  I was so ready to have this OVER with.  I know I have said this many times before, but I despise exams.  Tuesday at 12 PM could not come fast enough (when my exam would be done!).

I had a really late night studying for the exam, but that is what I get when I saved everything for the last minute.  At HC, I am an organized student, and would never study for a final the night before.  But, school in Ireland is so different than home, and I have given myself a little bit of a break.  The grades I receive here are not factoring into my GPA, so I luckily have the ability to slack off a little bit.  It has been really nice, but what will I do when I go back to HC?!

The exam was not too bad, it was over, that is all that matters!  I already wrote the paper for this class, I just have to hand it in.  So, I essentially and done with the class!  WOOHOO!!!  One class down, five more to go.  I can do this, the prize at the end is a very long Christmas break with people I have not seen in months.  I cannot wait!

After the exam, I recuperated for a little and watched some TV and just relaxed.  My brain needed it before heading to another paper.  I also ran into the City Centre to pick up some food for the week, and best of all, a Christmas sweater.  The City Centre was getting ready for the Cork Christmas Markets, which start this weekend!  I was so shocked to see a ferris wheel being assembled when I came down my street.  Cork seriously goes all out for the holidays, and I think it is absolutely incredible!

I bought a Christmas sweater (which you will have to wait and see!) because on Sunday, Jane and I are going to Dublin for the Christmas Markets, as well as an event for the Make a Wish Foundation.  The event is an attempt to break the world record of the number of people in Christmas sweaters in one place.  This is happening on O'Connell Street Sunday afternoon, and I am so excited for it!  It will be a great break to get us in the holiday mood :)

Well, back to writing papers!  Be back soon!



A beautiful day in the City Centre!

Prepping for the Christmas Markets in Cork!

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