Monday 10 November 2014

Holidays and Happiness

Tuesday was another gorgeous day in Cork.  The weather was the perfect fall day, and no rain!  I had a few errands to get done in the City Centre, and it was a picture perfect day to walk around.

I had two classes on Tuesday, Cultures of Cities and Music.  Before I could go out and enjoy the day, I had a Music paper due that I needed to finish (due that night..oops).  However, I set myself to it and had time to go to the city.  Jane and I were going to have Grace over on Wednesday to have an early celebration of Grace's 21st, so I needed to pick up some birthday supplies!  I ran to the Euro Giant, which has everything you could imagine.  It was a quick stop, which gave me some more time to just wander the city.

The Christmas decorations were still going up all over the place!  To kick off the holiday seas, I got a "shortbread man," as opposed to a gingerbread man.  I stumbled upon a cute little bakery in the English Market, and I could not resist the amazing looking cookie.  I can say that it tasted as good as it looked!

After class, I went to the gym and came home and made dinner.  I had a new black bean, lentil, and vegetable soup I wanted to make.  Again, this was another Pinterest specialty.  It was so easy to make, and a great fall meal.  Luckily, I have trouble cutting recipes down for one person, so I have loads to last me the next few weeks :)

I had a quiet rest of the night, and I needed to rest up for Paris!

Be back soon!



Decorations are up!

A little holiday fun.

Dinner in the making!

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