Monday 24 November 2014

A Saturday of Spinning and Studying

So, Mother Nature did her thing and the rain stopped on Friday!  Saturday was absolutely beautiful out.  It was a little chilly, but the sun was shining all day long.

I woke up Saturday morning and made myself a nice big brunch.  I made eggs, toast, sausage, and some veggies.  I was impressed with my bruch skills, not as good as my dad's, but a good substitute :) Weekend brunch is definitely not a regular occurrence in Ireland, and it is something I miss so much about America!  I am such a breakfast person, so I am definitely experiencing some withdrawals...

Unfortunately, I did not have much time to go out and enjoy the sun because I am in finals crunch mode.  I am trying to get as many papers done as I can over the next week so I can enjoy my last few weeks in Cork.  I did have two papers done by Saturday evening, which was a big relief.  I haven't had to do much work all semester, which is pretty normal for the Irish school system, but everything comes all at once towards the end of the semester.  As my family keeps reminding me, this is the final stretch until I have almost six weeks off.  Saturday marks two weeks until I am home for Christmas!  I cannot believe it is the holiday season already, it is crazy!  

Jane and I also went to a spin class on Saturday evening.  I haven't been to a spin class in so long, and I have to say it was awesome being back.  I forget how much I love to spin, it is kind of like my de-stresser, so it was a perfect study break activity.  When I came home from spin, I had a really long FaceTime call with my friend Chris from HC.  I hadn't talked to him in forever so it was so great catching up with him!

It was back to the books for me.

Be back soon!



Brunch by Caitlin :)

Such a nice sunset going to spin class!

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