Wednesday 12 November 2014

Heading Out, Again!

Wednesday was even more beautiful out than Tuesday.  It was in the mid-50s and sunny, no rain, no wind, perfect Ireland weather.  I cannot believe that it is already mid-November!  This semester is absolutely flying by.

Jane and I took a personal morning to go into town.  We wanted to start planning our Amsterdam trip that we were leaving for early Thursday morning.  I also really wanted to bring Jane to Duke's Coffee Company, one of my favorite coffee shops in the City Centre.  We sat there for a really long time and just chatted.  It was really nice to just sit there and hang out.  Even more Christmas decorations were going up in the area where Duke's is, so it was fun to see the transformation in progress!

After coffee, Jane and I walked around the city for a little while.  I was looking for ear warmers for the trip to Amsterdam.  My mom bought me some last year for HC, because it is like the arctic there, but I forgot to bring them with me!  I did not have any luck, but it was nice just strolling around the city.  It was crowded with people shopping for the holidays!  I can't get over how weird it is that Christmas is already so big here, but I guess because there is no holiday, like Thanksgiving, they start early.

On our way back to the apartments, I picked up my laundry.  I do not think I will ever be dropping it off at the launder again because it was a little more expensive than I figure, but I learned my lesson!  Only a few more weeks until I am home...maybe my laundry will last and I can just take it back with me?  Just kidding, I know that would give you a heart attack, Mom!

Off to bed!  I have an early day for Amsterdam tomorrow!

Be back soon with details of my Holy Cross reunion in Amsterdam!


Duke's is decorated!

My Chai Tea Latte, AKA the holidays in a cup.

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