Tuesday 4 November 2014

I AM a Dreamer

Friday was our first full day in Prague, and Jane and I were ready to get going on the touring.  It took us a little while to get moving in the morning because our travels were starting to hit us, but, Prague was waiting for us!

We had a full day of sight seeing planned ahead of us, and luckily the weather was great!  We have been so lucky with the weather throughout all of our travels!  Our first stop was a restaurant called Radost.  Kelly had recommended this place for the cinnamon buns, which definitely caught our attention. We made it over to Radost via the metro system, which was very easy to use.  Unfortunately, they only served the cinnamon buns on the weekends, so, Jane and I stopped at the Farmer's Market across the street to grab something to eat.  We stumbled upon a bakery stand that was filled with yummy looking treats.  Granted, we could not understand any of the names of the items, so we just went with what looked good.  Our gut was right, and we had the most delicious pastry.  It was a frosted croissant filled with a chocolate pudding/frosting.  It sounds like a chocolate croissant, but it was so much more than that.

After enjoying our peaceful stop at the market, we took the tram to Prague Castle.  This was a really easy ride from where we were!  We got a little turned around and missed the correct stop, but, eventually we got there (see, Mom, I do save these details for you when I am safe and sound).  At the Prague Castle, we climbed the St. Vitus Clock Tower, which gave awesome sights of the city.  After my year abroad, it will be really interesting to see how many clock towers I climb.  You would think the hills of HC as prepared me for the stairs, but I was so wrong...

Once we went around the grounds of the Prague Castle, we made our way towards the Old Town Square and the Charles Bridge, two very famous spots in Prague (also on Kelly's amazing guide to Prague).  Our first stop on the way, a street food vendor where we had fried cheese.  Yup, you heard that correctly, a fired cheese sandwich.  Who knew you could combine two great things to make something even better?  The correct name of this was, Smažený sýr, but I was not even going to attempt to pronounce the Czech words.  So, I stuck with fried cheese.  After our pit stop, we made it to the Charles Bridge where we walked around for a while and looked at some of the prints of the city to add to our collections.  I decided to change it up and not get a print of the city, but instead I got a John Lennon Wall medley of pictures.  I am so happy with my purchase!  It is so different from the other pictures I have gotten, so it was a nice change.  Jane and I then made it over to the real John Lennon Wall, which I have to say was my favorite part of Prague.  The wall is so massive, covered in beautiful quotes and many bright colors, but it is still so hidden.  There were a number of people playing songs by The Beatles, and it was so peaceful.  

Jane and I then headed to Old Town Square where we walked around for a while and got a lay of the land.  We were so hungry and had not eaten in hours, so we stopped at some of the street vendors and shared a kielbasa and a famous Czech pastry, trdelnik.  This is a cinnamon sugar, almond, walnut, dough pastry, which I filled myself with throughout the weekend.  SO DELICIOUS.  

We sat in Old Town Square for a while and just relaxed, taking in all that we had seen that day, and the fact that we were really in Prague.  I still could not believe I was actually there.  Yes again, it was a "pinch me" moment.  After taking in our surroundings, we decided to walk around for a while and look for some gifts for people back home.  I was successful and got some surprises for my sisters :)
After shopping and a few more hours of walking around the city (and finding chocolate, because come on, it was Halloween), we went to a late dinner, at around 8 PM.  We went to a restaurant that Kelly had recommended, Vytopna Railway Restaurant.  This place is known for delivering your drinks to you on little train cars!  It was such a neat place, and delicious food.

We had a long day, and we were very wiped out and headed back to Hostel ELF.  We looked at my phone when we got back to see how many steps we had walked that day, and it was almost 27,000!  That's close to 14 miles! Friday was the perfect day, I could only imagine war Saturday would bring!

Be back soon!


The mystery pastry 

View from the St. Vitus Clock Tower

Me and my fried cheese!

The Charles Bridge

The John Lennon Wall

My mark on the wall!

 The making of trdelnik

Afternoon snack of trdelnik and kielbasa

Chocolate fix for Halloween!

Vytopna Railway Restaurant 

 Pork Dinner

My last trdelnik of the day (with nutella, OMG)

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