Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sunday Dinner

So far, I had a great weekend.  It was very relaxing, and perfect weather.  I really could not have asked for anything better for one of my last weekends in Cork!

Jane and I forced ourselves to get up and go to a spin class Sunday morning, which definitely kicked our butts.  We were so sore from Saturday's class, I did not know how I was going to make it through!  I was really glad I did it though, because it was a perfect kickstart to my day.  When we got home, I made myself another great brunch, showered, and did some (okay, barely any) work.  It has been really hard forcing myself to get work done once I finish one paper.  My brain is a little dead and needs recuperating!

After getting some work done, Jane and I walked into the City Centre to meet our advisor, Shane, and some other HC girls for dinner at a restaurant, SoHo.  We hadn't seen Shane since the first week, so it was nice to catch up and hear what he has planned for us next semester.  I think he thinks we are crazy because it is all girls here in Cork from HC and we really love to talk, loudly.  However, the dinner was great!  It was on Holy Cross's dollar, so obviously we all picked out appetizers and the most expensive steaks.  After dinner, we went to an Irish film with Shane called, "Out of Here."  We went to the dil at the Triskel Arts Centre.  This was a really neat place.  It was an old Church converted into concert hall.  The film was okay, but I love going to the movies, so it was a nice excuse to finally do it!

When we got home, I got a little more work done and headed to bed.  I have a busy week ahead of me!

Be back soon!




Triskel Arts Centre


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