Monday 2 March 2015

Home in Copenhagen

Friday was the day we were off to Copenhagen!  I was so excited.  I needed to get back in the swing of traveling again.  As much as I love Cork, I was ready to have a change of scenery.

We had an early start Friday morning.  Jane and I had a flight from Cork at 6 AM, connecting in Amsterdam, and then heading to Copenhagen.  When we arrived, Jane and I headed to the hotel, but we could not check in until 2 PM.  We dropped our bags off and went to grab something to eat.  Copenhagen is famous for their pastries, so obviously that is where we were headed!  I had been looking forward to pasties all week!  We went to a bakery called Sankt Peders Bageri.  I got a cappuccino and an amazing cinnamon piece of heaven.

Our room was not ready at the hotel, so Jane and I waited in the lobby until Lindsay got there.  Her flight was arriving from York a few hours after ours.  When she got there, our room was ready, so we settled in and rested for a little bit.  We were all a little wiped out and wanted to have the energy to see the city!  Once we rested up, the three of us went to this awesome restaurant, Halifax, for lunch.  I had the best burger EVER for lunch.  I am still dreaming about it...

After lunch, we met up with Caroline Karanian, my good family friend form home.  She is studying there for the semester, and was the best tour guide ever.  She walked us all over the city, and I was slowly falling in love with this place.  It was perfect!  Before it got dark, we climbed to the top of Christiansborg Palace, the home of Parliament.  The sun was just setting, so we had an amazing, dusky view.

We parted ways with Caroline, and headed back to the hotel to chill out for a little bit.  Linds, Jane, and I were all super stuffed from lunch, so we were not looking for dinner for a while.  We were loving the city, and could not wait to see it at night, but needed a little bit of a break.  Our early morning was getting to us!  We headed our for a light dinner and drinks (and some yummy desserts) near the hotel.  We were in a great area with some awesome places near us!

Day one, perfect.  I love you, Copenhagen!  Be back soon!



Sankt Peders Bageri

Lunch at Halifax!

Caroline and me together and Copenhagen! 


View from the top of Christiansborg Palace.

Dessert <3

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