Thursday 5 March 2015

Calling Summer

Tuesday was a pretty low-key day in Cork.  It was another beautiful day, however.  There have been less and less rainy days as the weeks go on, which as been great!

I went to my morning class, Folklore, and then to the gym after that.  Hopefully I can get my final paper done for this class in the next week!  It is crazy to be thinking of the end already.  Holy Cross is only on Spring Break and I am doing final papers, I cannot get over it.  After the gym, I came home, had some lunch, and got organized for the day.  I had to do a little grocery shopping, but not much because I was leaving again on Friday for the weekend to go to Switzerland.  Jane and I walked into town to go to the English Market and walk around for al title bit.  After our grocery shopping and wandering the English Market, Jane and I went to O'Conaill's.  For the first time EVER I did not get hot chocolate, I had a latte.  I felt like I was sinning or something! 

Jane and I went back to our apartments and parted ways for a little while to get some work done before our evening class at 6.  This 6 PM class is so hard to muster up the motivation to go to because I always forget that I have it.  It is my Science in Society class, but I have to go because I need to fulfill my science credit before going back to HC (I refuse to take a science there)!  When we walked to class, it was still SO light out.  This was such a nice change, and means that the warmer months are upon us and I cannot wait!

It was a great day.  Be back soon!



Latte from O'Conaill's

English Market!

So much sun <3

Channeling summer foods.

This is at 6 PM!!!

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