Thursday 26 March 2015

Gang's All Here

Saturday was the day that Conor and Lindsay arrived in Ireland.  I was really excited to see them!  I had not seen Conor since May, and Linds since Copenhagen at the end of February.  I was ready to have the HC crew back together.

Conor arrived very early in the morning, 5 AM.  I took a taxi to the airport to pick him up, and then we headed back to the hotel.  Kmac was still sleeping there, and everyone was exhausted, so we decided we would go back to sleep for a few hours.  We woke up at around 10 AM, had breakfast at the hotel, and then Conor and I were off to go pick Linds up at the airport.  Her flight was coming in from England at noon.  Once we collected Lindsay, the three of us headed back to our airport to get Kmac and head to the next hotel we would be staying at for a few days.  We would be in Dublin until Tuesday (St. Paddy's) evening.

After we all settled into the hotel, which was beautiful (thanks, Care!!), we gathered up our stuff and went to have a late lunch/dinner at a restaurant called Crackbird.  The city was so crowded for the holiday weekend, it was impossible to find a place to eat, so we settled on Crackbird, and it was not the best decision.  It was a restaurant that only served chicken, very nontraditional chicken, and none of us were huge fans.  Once we finish eating, we headed to the Temple Bar area to meet up with some West Hartford kids, as well as check out the celebrations that were going on.  I could not get over how busy the city was.  I should have assumed it would be crazy, I mean it was St. Paddy's weekend.  We parked ourselves at the Norseman (a pub in the area) for the night.  We did not want to lose our seats!

It was a lot of fun having everyone together again.  Now that all the visitors were here, the touring and celebrations could begin!

Be back soon!



Temple Bar!

Linds and me at the Norseman!

 Linds, Conor, Kmac, and me at the Norseman

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