Sunday 22 March 2015

Home in Cork

Wednesday was a really boring day.  I had a lot of getting ready to do before my guests came here!

I woke up early with Sam and Alexa again because they were going to the Cliffs of Moher.  I did not mind getting up because it once again gave me some time to get organized and be productive.  I am slowly becoming a morning person, which I definitely need with all the work I have coming up!  I went to the gym because I thought that could get started on my day!  I had a busy day with interviews and paper writing, so it was a good way to clear my mind.

After my interview, I hung out with Meadhbh and decompressed a little but.  Applying for summer jobs has been the death of me, can it please be over soon???  After my afternoon break of hanging out, it was time for me to get to work.  I wanted to get a move on my papers so I could enjoy my time with my guests next week.  While doing my work, I had the best surprise text ever.  My friend Thomas Murphy (Smurf) told me that he and his parents were in Cork for the evening and wanted to know if I felt like meeting them for drinks later that evening.  It was so nice of them!  I met up with them around 9:15 at Oliver Plunkett.  It was such a nice break seeing them, and a great taste of home.  I have been feeling a little homesick lately, so it was just what I needed.

Safe to say, I did not get much work done.  But it is okay, I have time.

Be back soon!



Thomas, Mrs. Murphy, and me at Oliver Plunkett!

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