Tuesday 3 March 2015

One Last Pastry

Sunday was our last day in Copenhagen.  I was so sad to see this weekend end, I had an incredible time!

Linds, Jane, and I started the morning with our priorities straight, our last pastry.  I really do not know what I would do if I lived here, pastries=heaven.  After our leisurely pastry break, we walked around the city for a little bit.  Unfortunately, it was a little rainy, so it was not ideal walking around weather. I was on a mission to find a print of the city, like I do for all of the cities I go to.  However, it was impossible to find one in Copenhagen.  I saw none the entire time we were there.  I decided to improvise a little bit by buying cards that I was thinking I could frame.

After my (unsuccessful) search for a print, we walked over to Torvehallherne.  These are food markets in these neat glass buildings.  You could buy everything here from pastries, to soaps, to wine, all types of great treats.  It took us a while to walk here because we were too busy taking in our last few sights of the city.  We walked around the markets for a while, expiring what there was.  It was packed for a Sunday, I think we found the hot place to hang out for the day!  After walking around for a little while, we were ready for lunch (and the food looked so good here).  I had a delicious sandwich filled with pastrami, arugula, pecans, and other delicious toppings.  It was a combination I would never think of, but when put together, it was really, really good.

At about 1:30, we had to walk back to the hotel to grab our bags.  Unfortunately, it was time to say bye to Copenhagen.  It was really easy getting to the airport via the train service we took to Sweden.  The airport was only ten minutes away, which was very convenient.  Lindsay's flight was in a different terminal, so I had to say bye to her before going though security.  I hate saying bye to Lindsay whenever I see her!  Linds is my piece of home that I love seeing as much as I can :).  Right before I boarded, I got a text from Lindsay saying that her flight was cancelled!  The SAS airline company was on strike, so she could not get out.  I felt so badly for her, she was stranded for one more day, by herself no less!  She did keep saying that she wished she could have one more day in the city, so I guess it worked out a little bit?

The weekend was so great, and I am really happy to be back in the traveling mode.  Be back soon!




Some signs of warmer weather coming?

Markets (also in the glass buildings on the left and right).

Cupcake soaps.

I spy my sandwich.  

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