Tuesday 31 March 2015

Am I Eloquent Yet?

I was so happy to be back in Cork Wednesday.  I love Dublin, but Cork is my home.  And Cork is just an all around better place, not that I am biased or anything...

I went to my morning class on Wednesday so I would feel a little productive and not like I was slacking off all week.  After class, I met Lindsay and Conor, who had gone out to breakfast, and we headed back to my apartment to meet Kmac.  It was a beautiful day.  I almost did not need a jacket!  On our walk back to my apartment, I gave Linds and Conor a little tour of the UCC campus.  It is weird showing my HC friends my new school!  They thought that UCC was beautiful, which is it, and I was so happy they liked it.

Once we got Kmac, the four of us headed into the city.  I was taking them to O'Conaill's...shocker! I need to get my fill of O'Connail's in before I leave.  I do not know how I will survive without it next year!  We ran into Jane on our way to the city, so she came with us.  I needed someone who is as obsessed with O'Conaill's as I am to be with me so that I did not seem crazy about how much I loved it.  I was very ambitious with my order, and for the first time EVER, I could not finish.  I felt like I was committing a sin or something!

After O'Conail's, Kmac, Linds, Conor, and I parted ways from Jane and headed to the bus station.  We were going to the Blarney Castle.  This would be my fourth time here, so I really must have the gift of gab now.  It was a perfect day for Blarney because it was so beautiful out.  Everyone in the country must have had the same thoughts as we did, the line to kiss the stone was massive!  We eventually got to the top, and I kissed the stone for the fourth time!  I'll be going one more time when Maureen and Kathryn are here next month.  I love Blarney, though, so I could go over and over again.  

We had an awesome time at Blarney, we did not leave until after 6 PM!  I was going to cook for everyone, but by the time we got home, the grocery stores were all closed.  Instead, we decided to go to Coqbull for dinner.  It was really delicious, per usual.  I think everyone loved it!  We were all really tired, so we called it an early night.  The week was going by so quickly.  I guess time flies when you're haven' fun!

Be back soon!



Linds and me in front of the UCC quad

Conor and me at the Blarney Castle!

After we kissed the stone!

Gorgeous waterfall at Blarney.

Such a nice night.

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