Wednesday 11 March 2015

We Have Heaven?

Friday was Switzerland day!  Jane and I had a very early morning, we were catching a bus to Dublin at 6 AM to get there at 9:30 AM for our 11:30 AM flight.  I seriously did not miss this bus!  I fell asleep though, so it worked out fine.  I am really getting good at falling asleep anywhere I can put my head down nowadays...

It was a 13 hour day of travel for me and Jane.  We went from Cork to Dublin (bus), Dublin to Zurich (plane), Zurich to Bern (train), Bern to Interlaken (train).  But, this travel was SO worth it.  Interlaken was the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  Also, the long day of travel did not bother me because this was our last weekend trip.  It is so weird to be talking about the "last" of everything.  Our next trip is the big one in April!  Until then, I have lots of visitors coming to Cork to see me!

When Jane and I arrived at our hostel, Balmers, we were very impressed.  This place was very nice, and did all of the activity bookings for us.  Interlaken is a ski and adventure place, so we could not wait to  get out and experience winter (even though it was 50 degrees in Switzerland)!  We booked snow shoeing for Saturday and paragliding for Sunday.  I was really happy with our choice of activities, they seemed like they would be a lot of fun, and some good exercise!

After settling in and cleaning up, Jane and I headed into the town for some dinner.  It was around 8 PM, and the center of town was so quiet.  We stumbled upon a restaurant, Bebbis, which was a scene, to say the least.  The staff was wearing cow print, which I was soon learning cows were a "thing" in Switzerland, the Swiss were obsessed with cows.  Dinner was really good, and what made it even better, chocolate fondue dessert.  YUM!

Jane and I were very tired from the day of travel, so headed back and went to bed.  I was so excited for the weekend!!

Be back soon!


Our view from the train

Fondue time!

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