Monday 30 March 2015

Happy St. Paddy's!

St. Paddy's Day is upon us!  Dublin was a zoo because of the wonderful Irish holiday.  Who said that the Irish do not celebrate Paddy's day?!  They do in Dublin, at least...

We had a busy day ahead of us.  Before everyone woke up, I went for a run at the hotel gym.  I had an interview later in the day, so I wanted to kind of clear my mind.  It felt good to workout after how much we have been eating during our time in Dublin!  After my workout, everyone got ready for the day, and headed to the hotel breakfast (it was SO good).  After breakfast, we checked out of the hotel, we would be heading back to Cork later that evening.  I was ready to get back to my apartment and show Kmac, Lindsay, and Conor all the things I love about Cork!

Once we checked out of the hotel, we headed over to Smurf's apartment.  He invited us over for some morning St. Paddy's celebrations and said that we could then walk to the parade with him and all of his friends.  There was no rain, so we can say the weather was a successful!  Smurf's place was really neat.  There was an outdoor patio that everyone was hanging out on, which was a lot of fun.  We then headed to the parade around noon.  It was packed with people.  The hard thing about being in another country is that there is no way you can contact people if you get separated on the streets, because you will not have WiFi.  This was definitely a pain in the buss.  However, we managed, and it was still a lot of fun.  We also ran into some HC and NWC people!

I left the parade at 3:30 to head back to the hotel for my interview.  They were really nice at the Hilton and let me use a conference room to prepare and conduct the Skype interview.  This wrapped up at 6 PM, and then we were off to the train station.  We were catching a 7 PM train to Cork, getting us in a little before 10.

St. Paddy's was fun, but I was ready to get back to Cork!

Be back soon!!

Linds and me pre-parade on the patio!

Kmac and me at the parade.

Selfie with Smurf!

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