Sunday 22 March 2015

Let the Festivities Begin

Thursday was the day that I was leaving for Dublin to meet my guests coming for the week.  Kathleen (Kmac) was coming on Friday, Conor was coming Saturday morning, and Lindsay was coming Saturday afternoon.  I was so excited to see them!

I went to some of my morning classes, but not the afternoon ones.  I had to pack and clean up the house before leaving for Dublin, and it was a very dreary day.  Add those together and it mixes for little motivation.  I just really wanted to get to Dublin to see my friends!  It has been so long since I have seen the three of them, so I was getting anxious!  Alexa and Sam grabbed their bags from my place at around 3 PM, and they were off to their hostel for the next few days.  I left my apartment at around 5:30 because I was taking a 6 PM train from Cork to Dublin.

I arrived in Dublin around 8:45 and headed to my hotel.  I was staying at one near the airport because I knew I would be spending a lot of time there the next few days meeting my guests and getting everyone together.  The hotel worked out really well, and it was very comfortable.  I do not miss hostel living at all!

It was an early night for me, I had to pick Kmac up at the airport at 5 AM.  Friday is the start of a marathon of sightseeing and touring, I cannot wait!

Be back soon!



Boarding the train, finally turned into a nice day! 

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