Thursday 12 March 2015

Prepping for Paddy's

Tuesdays are my days to get organized around the house after travel weekends.  I had no food in the apartment, so that meant English Market trip!  Also, I really needed to start some papers!

I woke up with Alexa and Sam at around 6:30.  They were going on a tour of Dingle on Tuesday, which worked out perfectly because it was a beautiful day, 50 and sunny (can you say, SPRING!).  After they left, I thought I would be productive so I went to the gym, and then class.  I was feeling like a morning person a little bit (this will definitely change soon).  When I came home, I caught up with my roommates for a little bit, and then got ready for the day.  I needed to get some supplies for the house that I was running low on, as well as the makings for dinner.

The City Centre was buzzing with people because of the weather.  Everyone wanted to bask in the sunshine while it was here!  Who knew how long this could last in Ireland.  You could sense St. Paddy's day in the city, there were decorations everywhere!  Also, I have learned from my roommates that spelling St. Patrick's day as "Patty" and not "Paddy" is super offensive...oops.  This is definitely a mistake made in America, so I am taking notes!  I went to the English Market to buy the makings of my black bean and lentil soup.  This is one of my favorite recipes, and it came out great!  I am getting used to cooking, it only took me 6 months!

When I got home, I worked on a paper, and had dinner with the girls.  It was great hearing what they thought of the Dingle Tour.  I have yet to do this and I think it will be one I bring Maureen and Kathryn on in April, especially because they liked it!

Be back soon!




Mom-- I thought of you when I saw Method!!

Ready for Paddy's Day at the English Market!

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