Thursday 26 March 2015

A Lovely Day for a Guinness

Sunday was a cloudy day in Dublin,  which was perfect.  We were planning on going to the Guinness Factory, so it would not matter that we were inside all day!

We woke up around 10:30/11 AM.  The travelers were a little jet-lagged and needed to catch up on lost sleep.  After we woke up and everyone got moving, we took a taxi into the city to grab something to eat.  We ended up going to a really cool restaurant called Dakota.  I had a delicious chicken sandwich, better than Crackbird!  I would recommend this to anyone who is going to Dublin sometime soon.

After lunch, we headed to the Guinness Factory.  I had not done this tour since being in Ireland this year.  My family did it when we came to Ireland seven years ago, so I was excited to go back!  Guinness was buzzing with people and had lots going on for St. Paddy's Day.  It was an awesome time!  There were lots of free samples, food tastings, music, shows, a bunch of activities getting you in the St. Patrick's Day mood.  The coolest part of the tour was the bar at the top of the factory, giving you a 360 degree view of the city with a free pint of Guinness.  It was a lot of fun, but I am not a huge Guinness fan!

We killed the entire afternoon at Guinness, and got back into the city around 7 PM.  Everyone was a little tired and looking to sit somewhere for dinner.  We found another really cute pub off of Grafton Street.  I had an Irish Stew with lamb, it was delicious!  After dinner, we walked around for a while and listened to some of the live street music.  There were really great performers this weekend!  To end the night, we all had some ice cream from Murphy's, a very famous ice cream place from Dingle.  it was delicious.

It was an early night because Monday we were doing the Cliff's of Moher.  So far, so good!

Be back soon!



The gang at Guinness.


Old Guinness advertisements.

Cheers from Linds and me (we had one sip and passed them off)!

True Irish spirit. 

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