Tuesday 24 March 2015

Kmac Comes to Ireland!

Friday was the day that Kmac arrived in Ireland!  She would be here for ten days, so I was excited to get the festivities going.  Her flight came in very early Friday morning, so I knew it would be a low-key day.

Kmac's flight arrived at around 5 AM, meaning I had to leave the hotel at 4:30 AM.  It was not as hard to wake up that early as I thought it would be, shockingly.  This probably has a lot to do with the fact that I am very much on US time still, I do not know how this is still possible!  After picking up Kmac, we headed back to the hotel to take a nap.  It was around 6 AM, and I knew if we slept for a few hours we would be able to rally throughout the day.  The nap did wonders for us.  We felt rejuvenated and ready to conquer the day!  But first, we needed to fuel up with breakfast at the hotel and before heading into the city.

There were so many people from home in Dublin for St. Paddy's Weekend.  It was a crazy scene (not my cup of tea).  I showed Kmac Grafton Street and some of the famous areas around there, and then we headed to Temple Bar.  We met up with one of Kmac's friends, Julia, there, which was really fun.  After Temple Bar, we went to a pub for lunch off of Grafton Street.  Lunch was delicious and gave us the energy we needed for the rest of the night.  We walked around the city for a little while after eating, and then met up with our high school friend, Kristen.  Kristen is studying in Spain this semester, so it was awesome to see her.  Her birthday was on St. Patrick's Day and we were able to do some early celebrations for her 21st.  I loved having a mini NWC reunion!

I was picking Conor up at the airport at 5 AM the next morning, so we headed home kind of early.  Kmac's first day was a lot of fun and it was great to see some faces from home!

Be back soon!



Temple Bar

Kmac and I bought a Selfie Stick!

NWC back together again! 
Kmac (middle), Kristen (right)

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