Sunday 29 March 2015

Cliffs--Round Three

Monday was a very early start for Kmac, Lindsay, Conor, and me.  We were doing a day trip to the Cliffs of Moher from Dublin.  Luckily, the weather was decent, no rain!  That always makes for a much more enjoyable trip.

The tour took off at 7:30 AM from Dublin City Center.  There were two busses going to the Cliffs from Dublin.  I did not think it would be that crowded!  I do not know if it was because of St. Paddy's Day, or if it is because we were traveling from Dublin, but this were a lot more people than the Cork tours get.  The first stop on the tour, after a bathroom stop, was Kinvara.  Kinvara is an old fishing town in the west of Ireland.  It was very picturesque and an adorable little town.  After Kinvara, the tour took us the the "Baby Cliffs," also known as, the Burren.  This is a gorgeous landscape along the water, famous for the limestone rock covering the land.  We stayed here for about a half hour.  There was still no rain, so the time out of the bus was great!  Once we finished up at the Burren, it was time for lunch.  Our driver, Sean, brought us to a great little pub in Doolin.  I had the seafood chowder, and it was amazing.  The Irish really know how to make a great soup!  After lunch, it was time for the main event, the Cliffs of Moher!!!  Still, no rain, thank goodness.  We had a few hours here to wander around and take pictures.  I still cannot get over how gorgeous the Cliffs of Moher are.  This is my third time going there this year, and it is almost like they get better and better.  I have one more visit there at the end of April when Maureen and Kathryn come to me.  Crazy to be thinking about the "last" of my activities in Ireland...

After the Cliffs, we got back on the bus and headed back to Dublin.  We had one stop on the way home for the bathroom, and then it was on the road again.  We got back in the city a little after 7 PM, and everyone was exhausted.  We were all wondering why we were so tired if we just sat on a bus all day, but somehow, we were.  We grabbed dinner at a Portuguese restaurant, Nando's, which is one of Lindsay's favorite places to war at in York.  Dinner was great, but it was an early night for us.  Tuesday was Saint Paddy's Day, and we needed all of the rest we could get.

Be back soon!





 Linds and me on the "Baby Cliffs"

The group at the Cliffs.

I cannot get enough of the Cliffs of Moher!

Kmac (right) and me at the Cliffs.

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