Thursday 5 March 2015

Winter Wonderland Awaits

Thursday, AKA one more day until Switzerland!  I have been talking about taking this trip since before coming abroad, and I cannot believe it is finally (almost) here.  At last!!

I had a lot of classes today, which makes Thursdays a major drag.  But, once I was done with the day, it was the weekend.  So, I finally began one of my final papers.  I did not get as far as I wanted to, but hey, I started it!  You've gotta start somewhere, right?  It was a relief to know that I was off to a start, but this motivation did not last very long.  Once classes were over, I organized my apartment and got ready for the weekend.  Jane and I were taking a 6 AM bus to Dublin, getting us there at 9:30, for our 11:30 AM flight.  I have not had to do the bus to Dublin in a while, and I have not missed it.  I have been spoiled going out of Cork these past couple of months!

After I ate dinner and finished packing up for Friday's departure, Jane and I went over to Nicole's apartment.  She had an HC friend, Jenna, visiting for the week.  We wanted to make sure we had the chance to see her before she left on Sunday.  It is always nice seeing Holy Cross kids here in Ireland.  It makes me miss home and remember why I love Holy Cross so much, everyone is so friendly!

Early night for me, I have a long day of travel tomorrow.  Be back after the weekend with lots of stories, I am sure!!

Be back soon!



P.S.  I really miss iced coffee, they have not perfected that here in Ireland.  Well, they actually have not perfected coffee much at all.  Dunkin', I cannot wait for our reuniting.

Cloudy day


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