Thursday 12 March 2015

Sky High

Sunday was our last day in Interlaken.  I did not want this weekend to end!  I know I say that every weekend when we leave somewhere, but really, why would I want to leave a place this amazing?

Jane and I had a very adventurous morning.  Sunday was paragliding day!! Our appointment for this was at 9:30, and they said it would take a few hours, which was perfect because we had to leave for the airport a few hours later.  I was so excited to paraglide.  I have seen a lot of pictures from other abroad kids doing it in Interlaken, and it looked so cool, this was definitely an abroad bucket list item of mine.  There were two other people in our time slot.  We were all taken up to the take-off location in a van with our assigned pilots.  I was not that nervous for paragliding because we had a trained professional strapped to us, unlike some activities such as bungee jumping.  My pilot was named Kurt, and he has been flying for 29 years.  I felt safe knowing I had a pro like him!  Kurt strapped me into all of the gear, which made me more nervous than the paragliding!  The mountain was really muddy, I thought I was going to slip down the entire thing.  I kept asking Kurt when it was time for take-off, he told me when the wind was right.  I didn't know how to tell that, so I told him to give me the OK and I would go.  It was really easy when in came time for us to go.  All I had to do was run a little but and we were off.  We were in the air for about ten minutes.  It was AMAZING.  The views from the air were even more beautiful than I could have imagines.  I could see both of the lakes on either side of Interlaken, the mountains, the town center, everything.  This was a "pinch me" moment.  I landed safely, and to celebrate, I decided to have some Swiss chocolate.

After flying, Jane and I decided we would walk to find the other lake.  it was a gorgeous day out, so we wanted to embrace it as much as we could.  We walked for about 40 minutes, and could not find it!  We gave up, because we did not want to be late getting out of the city.  It was a very pretty walk, however!  If we had more time we would have kept walking, but we could not risk getting lost today.

After our walk, we caffeined up with some coffee.  We needed energy for the rest of the day!  When we finished up coffee, we headed back to the hostel to check out.  This was a great place for our last hostel of the year (and hopefully ever).  It is safe to say we survived the life of hostels, woohoo!  After checking out, Jane and I went to grab a quick bite at Utopia, and headed out around 2 PM.  We had a very long day of travel coming up.  We had to take the train from Interlaken to Bern, Bern to Zurich, then fly from Zurich to Frankfurt, and then Frankfurt to Dublin, and the last leg, bus from Dublin to Cork, arriving at 3 AM.  This is the last time I ever have to do the Dublin bus home to Cork.  I am only taking it two more times: once to go to the airport for our flight to Rome, but Jane and I are staying at a hotel at the night before the flight, so it is not too bad, and lastly, to fly back to AMERICA!  I cannot believe I am talking about American, it is so soon!

This weekend was absolutely amazing.  I have to go back one day!!!!

Be back soon!



Taking off!

Hello, world!

<3 Chocolate


View on the walk to the second lake.

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