Tuesday 3 March 2015

Can I Stay Forever?

Saturday was a day of touring Copenhagen, and a surprise stop, Sweden!  I was loving this place so much.  I wish the weekend could last forever!

When we arrived on Friday and met up with Caroline, she told us that Sweden was a short train ride away from Copenhagen.  Linds, Jane, and I thought that this would be a great morning trip.  How cool would it be to say that we spent the morning in Sweden?  So, that is exactly what we did.  We got up at around 8:30 and started our journey.  We went to a town nearby, Malmö.  We really only walked around and explored the area.  When the three of us got there, we soon realized that none of us had any Swedish currency...oops!  We definitely should have researched a little more!

After Malmö, we headed back to Copenhagen, there was lots of sightseeing to do!  Jane, Linds, and I walked from the train station in Nyhavn.  This is the area of the city along the canal with the famous colorful buildings.  It took us a little while longer than we had expected to get there because we kept getting lost, and could not get any WiFi!  I felt so badly because we were meeting Caroline over there and I did not want her thinking we abandoned her!  But, we eventually made it AND found Caroline (thanks to Lindsay).  The four of us had lunch at Nyhavn 17, a restaurant right on the canal.  The weather was GORGEOUS, too, which was such a plus.  Caroline was saying that this was the nicest day she had seen all semester.  We could not have had asked for a more perfect day!!

Once we finished lunch, Caroline, Jane, Linds, and I wandered the area around the canal, and then continued with our day.  Caroline was the best tour guide and took us all over the city.  First, we stopped at the royal palace, Amalienborg Palace, and explored some of the areas around it.  The palace was really interesting with a very open surrounding are, and it did not look like a typical palace.  The building was big, but not grandiose, but still really pretty!  After the palace, we went to The Rundetårn, AKA The Round Tower.  This is one of the taller buildings in the city (which is only about 10 stories high) that you can climb to the top in order to get an awesome view of the city.  We went up at the perfect time.  The sun was just setting so we saw a beautiful sunset, what a way to see the city!  At this point, it was after 5 PM, and we were all a little tired.  The four of us decided we would go back to the hotel and chill out a little bit before heading to dinner later in the evening.  However, there was a desperate need for a pastry first, obviously!  I would die if I lived here from obesity as a result of pastries, they are just so addictive...

Linds, Jane, Caroline, and I hung out at the hotel for a few hours.  None of us realized how tired we were until we actually sat down!  I think we walked about 11 miles in total on Saturday, so everyone was pretty beat.  After hanging out for a bit, we headed out for a late dinner at around 8:30  Jane, Lindsm and I saw an Italian restaurant on Friday near our hotel that we were dying to go to.  When the four of us got there, the place was fully booked, but as all of the people living in Copenhagen, the staff was so friendly and even squeezed us in!  Dinner was phenomenal!  Lindsay and I shared a pizza and caprese salad, it was amazing.  Once we all finished dinner, Caroline, Jane, Linds, and I headed to the bar Jane, Linds, and I went to on Friday, The Living Room, for some drinks cozied up by the fire place.  I had a Dark and Stormy, reminding me that warmer weather and Black Point are almost here, woohoo!!!

I had an absolutely fantastic day, as if I haven't hinted at it enough!  I love Copenhagen.  Be back soon!



First pastry stop of the day :)

Malmö, Sweden

Malmö, Sweden

Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark

Jane, Lindsay, Carolin, and me in Nyhavn.

Frederik's Church, Copenhagen, Denmark (near the Palace).

Amalienborg Palace

View from the top of the Round Tower

Pastry break

Dinner, so delicious! 

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