Wednesday 1 April 2015

A True Starbucks Lover

Thursday was another beautiful day in Cork.  I cannot believe it was already the end of the week.  This week totally flew by.  Conor was leaving on Saturday morning and Kmac was leaving Sunday morning.  I feel like they just got here!

Thursdays are my busy day of classes.  I went to the morning one, and met l up with Lindsay and Conor after.  We headed back to my house to get Kmac and head into the city.  I was going to cook dinner for everyone, so we had to stop at the English Market to get the food.  I was so excited to show them the English Market.  it is one of my favorite places in Cork, and I knew they would love it too!  We walked around for a little while, and decided that we would have chicken for dinner with green beans.  We could not get over how expensive the green beans were, it was crazy!!!  While we were walking around the city, I saw someone with a Starbucks cup.  I know that there is not a Starbucks store in Cork, so this was weird to me.  There had been some tumors that one was coming, but I knew that that was too good to be true.  I deiced I would walk around and see if I could find a store, and believe it or not, A STARBUCKS OPENED IN CORK.  This was huge news.  I missed good coffee, especially iced coffee.  I almost cried tears of joy, and then bought a drink to stop myself.

After my Starbucks stop, I spilt up with the group and went back to the house to go to some more classes.  I wish I could have stayed walking around the city because it was so nice out!  When I got back from classes, everyone met back at my apartment at 7:30ish.  Dinner was in the oven, so we had some appetizers and hung out.  Dinner came out really great, and I think everyone was impressed with my cooking skills!  We later met up with the Holy Cross group and went to the Franciscan Well (which I have heard is making its way to many big news stories today!).  Kmac, Lindsay, and Conor all loved the Franciscan.  How could you not?  It is only one of the coolest places in Cork. We ended the night at the Wash, which I had not been to in so long, I missed it.  We had a lot of fun, and I am loving showing everyone some more of my favorite places in Cork.

Be back soon!




Kmac and me at the Wash!

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