Monday 6 April 2015

Sunny Saturdays

Saturday was Kmac's last day in Ireland. We were planning on having a very relaxed day, just walking around the city. 

Lindsay, Kmac, and I all slept in pretty late. We were pooped from the busy week. After we woke up, the three of us, along with Jane, walked into the City Center. It was an incredible spring day. You could not see a cloud in the sky! When we got to the city, we went to the English Market to have some lunch. Everyone decided to go to the O'Flynn's sausage counter. These are delicious sausages that you can put a variety of different sauces and toppings on. They are always so good. We had a little picnic in the park across the street from the market and enjoyed the sunny day. After eating, we did the Shandon Bells. I haven't done these since Carolyn visited in October! It was a great day for it. I even think I got a little color (much needed). 

Once we finished the Bells, Jane headed home and Kmac and Linds and I stayed in the city. We had some O'Connail's and did a little grocery shopping. I was making a spaghetti dinner with my dad's famous meatballs! Dinner came out really great, and I perfected the meatballs! Julia joined us for dinner and I had not seen her in a while so it was nice to catch up!

We had an early night because Kmac had a very early flight Sunday morning. I think the week was an awesome one for everyone. Be back soon! 



       The girls at the Shandon Bells 

                   Dinner Feast!

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