Tuesday 7 April 2015


Usually I hate Mondays, but not this one, it was my 21st birthday!! Finally, the day has come!

I was so excited Lindsay was with me on my birthday. It made it feel more like birthday. This was the first time I would not be with family on my birthday and it definitely felt different. However, Lindsay definitely made Monday feel more like my special day!  I went to class, which was fun because Jane surprised me with a "Happy Birthday" chocolate!  After class, Linds and I had a tea sitting at the Hayfield Manor. This is a very fancy hotel in Cork, so we thought it would be fun to go to for my birthday. There was so much food--sandwiches, baked goods, dessert pastries--it was amazing. When I came home, there was the best surprise. Orna, Meadhbh, Linds, and Jane planned a surprise for me. There were balloons all over the house, presents, cake, all just for me on my birthday. They were all so amazing for making it an awesome day.

Later in the night, the HC girls, Orna, Meadhbh, Linds, and I went out for drinks. We went to the Edison first, which was a really cool bar, and then Crane Lane (a bucket list item).  It was an early night because I knew I had a lot of work to do on Tuesday. This was one of the best birthdays ever, and I am so lucky!  It was an awesome last day before finals crunch time,

Be back soon!



                    Time for tea!

          Linds and me at the Edison.

                    Jane and me!


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