Monday 13 April 2015


Monday was my last Monday class at UCC. Crazy that classes are almost over! 

As of Monday, four of my eight papers were done. That sounds like a lot, but it really wasn't. I was putting off the hardest one, and I needed to face reality and get it done! However, that didn't happen on Monday. There is always Tuesday, right??? When I got home from class, I finished my packing. It was going to be very hard to pack for two weeks in my tiny suitcase. I needed to get the packing done with so I had some time to really organize.  I fit everything I wanted, I did not think this was possible! Once I packed, I worked on another assignment for a little while. I was making great progress on this paper, hopefully the motivation would continue!

I went to a spin class later in the evening so I could have a little bit of change in what I was doing. The apartment walls were getting to be a little stale to constantly stare at!

Be back soon!




            Flowers in bloom at UCC!

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