Saturday 11 April 2015

Slow Moving

I really had to get down to business on Saturday with my final papers. There was no time left for slacking off!

I slept in a little bit, I really needed to catch up on sleep if I wanted to be productive. It was weird not waking up to Linds on my floor. It was too quiet for me!   Before I sat down to work, I walked into the city to get a coffee. I was really loving the fact that there was a Starbucks in Cork now. At a time like this, a very large coffee was essential, well, large in European standards (I really miss large Dunkins!). I also picked up some salmon at the English Market for dinner. I wanted to make a nice dinner because it gave me an excuse to take a study break at some point in th evening. It was a beautiful day out, so I took advantage of the sunshine and took my time. 

I finally got to work in the afternoon. I had two of my eight papers done at this point. I needed all eight done by Thursday. It was crunch time! I was pretty productive during the afternoon, so I decided to go to a spin class with Jane to clear my mind and have some human interaction. When I came home, I made dinner and got back to work. I needed these papers out of my life!

Be back soon!




           A PACKED English Market

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