Monday 13 April 2015

Getting Down to Business

Sunday was another day I needed to get back to the books and make some more progress on my papers. I was getting closer and closer to the finish line, an end was in sight!

I slept in a little bit because I was up pretty late working on my papers.  It is so much harder writing papers for UCC than Holy Cross. Professors at UCC provide you with little resources or information surrounding the power topics. At Holy Cross, my professors have always prepared me very well for every assignment I have been given. It is definitely an adjustment here regarding work. It has been nice because I haven't had very much, but I really miss HC a classes (I will be taking that statement back next year when I am drowning in work). Thankfully, I'm almost done wIth UCC classes! 

My afternoon consisted of homework and getting ready for my big trip. Thursday would be my last day in Cork for two weeks! I was so excited to meet up with my family in Italy and then go to Greece with Jane!

Be back soon, hopefully a little further in my work!



                 Starting to pack!

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