Thursday 16 April 2015

More Birthdays!

Wednesday was more paper writing. I had to finish up my long one, and then do one more short one. I was so close to the end!

I didn't go to my morning class because I had already written the papers and felt that I could be more productive at home. I tried to go to my afternoon class, but when Jane and I got there, there was no professor. We definitely missed the memo on something!  After class, Jane and I went to a spin class before going home and getting back to work. 

When I came home from spin, Meadhbh and I had a little surprise for Orna. Her birthday was on Easter Sunday, so no one would be around to celebrate. Meadhbh and I thought that it would be nice for us to have a little birthday shindig for her. We got cupcakes and sang happy birthday and gave her some presents! She would be 22 on Sunday!

The rest of my night consisted of work! No fun.

Be back soon!



               Gloomy day in Cork

              Happy Birthday, Orna!

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