I had two classes, which I have to say, I am happy to see go! These two classes were my Sociology of Community course and Politics of Church and State. Both of these classes have been pretty boring, so no tears were shed when parting ways with my lecturers. I cannot believe this semester is over. It is insane to me! This semester has been so great so far, in terms of classes. I have taken some really interesting courses, a few that I would definitely not have the chance to take back at Holy Cross. All in all, I think term has been a success (so far, I still have to hand in my finals!).
I spent a good portion of the day working on my papers curled up in my warm room. It sounds like all I have been doing lately is papers, and I have to say, that pretty much is true! I really want to just crank everything out before I go home for the holidays. Also, it is getting very chill out (a mere 46 degrees), so it is easy to stay inside all day! I am such a baby when it comes to the cold now. My family was sending me pictures of snowy CT, something I am definitely not prepared for!
By the time many of you read this, it will be Thanksgiving. So, let me be one of the first people to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone arrived at their respective Thanksgiving locations safe and sound. Enjoy lots and lots of food and quality time with family and friends :)
Good luck to the Unite to Fight Manchester Road Race team, and everyone else participating in the race!
Have a fabulous day, and enjoy the start of the Holiday Season!
Be back soon!
This is what winter looks like in Ireland. I put a picture up a few weeks ago of these trees, and now they are bare! It is starting to get chilly!!!
In honor of Thanksgiving, I have put together some pictures of the many pieces to my life that I am thankful for:
The most incredible (and good looking) family in the world:
A clean bill of health for the best grandparents out there :)
My hilarious, adorable, loving, more-than-amazing parents:
The best support system ever (they even supported me during my fear of Disney)
My sisters (including those without the last name "Spalluto," because you are the fourth sister!)
The greatest dog, but basically a human, Olive <3
Holy Cross and the best friends I could have ever asked for:
The Yankees (and Dad!)
Black Point, and the family made there that no one will ever understand:
And last but not least, Ireland and all of my travels--the best times I have ever had in my twenty years of life: